The official minutes will be available after they have been approved on Dec 2nd, and the borough audio heard be heard here.
In the meantime, if you missed the 11/25/2019 borough council meeting here are the highlights:
1 - Rosehill Development
BACKGROUND: In 2015 council approved a zoning overlay clearing the way for a townhome development to be built at the corner of Lenni and Llewelyn Rd. After several delays & potential developer changes, we are back to the original developer Mr. Iaccabuci.
FROM THIS MEETING: Mr. Iaccabuci, his engineer and attorney presented the council with an updated plan for the development. Some key changes include: All homes will now be 2 stories instead of 3, the type of sewer system, location of the emergency access road, the potential for open space to be dedicated to the borough, and additional trees to be planted along the property line on Lenni Road to replace the dying trees.
The biggest proposed change in the sewer from a gravity system to a low-pressure main. The developer assured the council that this new system would look better, allow for a tie-in for the residents along Llewellyn Rd. opposite the property (approx 8 homes) with the potential to extend down to Valleybrook road. Councilwoman Clarke urged the council to create a sewer fund and to set aside money from the 1.2M general fund surplus into this sewer fund to potentially extend that low-pressure main down to Valleybrook Rd. The cost for the low-pressure main extension was estimated at $200K-$400K and was presented at the planning commission meeting in October.
The developer urged the council to approve the agreement as soon as possible. They also stated that they have complied with the engineer's comments and that the CHB Planning Commission had recommended that the agreement be approved. Given this week is Thanksgiving, the solicitor asked the council if they had any objection to dismissing the 3 business day review rule and to allow him to provide final documents by Friday, November 29th for a vote to take place on Dec 2nd. (Giving council only the weekend to review) There were no objections by those present.
There is one outstanding issue on this matter and that is the approx 1.6 acres of open space at the corner of Lenni and Llewelyn. The borough needs to decide if they will take that as dedicated open space which would subject the borough to additional maintenance costs and additional General Liability insurance premiums or if the land should be retained and maintained as part of the new ROSEHILL HOA.
Want to learn more about Rosehill Click Here:
2- 2020 Budget
The borough currently establishes budgets fro 4 funds
*The Proposed budgets were updated just prior to the meeting, however, updated budgets are not available on the borough site as of the date of this post.
Once they are available we will update the links.
The Open Space fund was established in Dec 2017. For 2020 the council has received 2 refundable grants in the amount of $295K from the state which will be used to purchase the Strine Property ( approximately 11acres on Baltimore Pike for the negotiated price of $350K) - See June 3rd minutes. This will be an unimproved open space. Per the Budget the borough contemplated $0 maintenance cost and acquisition costs of $18K. Councilman Cocozza stated that land cannot be insured. I am not sure if the borough considered nor budgeted for the additional General Liability exposure, I guess we will see at the insurance renewal which should happen in March 2020 which is approximately at the same time as the land purchase is slated to occur.
There is $95K budgeted for various road improvements in various funds.
The General Fund has $45K budgeted for Road Program - Ivy Lane. This is part of the scheduled maintenance of borough roads established by the borough engineer several years ago. This money is held in a Road Improvement Fund. This fund budget was not made available as part of the budget process. Instead, the borough shows a deposit from the Road Improvement Fund into the General Fund in April 2020, and then shows the expenditure in June of 2020.
The Liquid Fuels Fund has 2 expenditures: 1) $15K for the traffic light repair on Stoney Bank Road. CHB shares this light with Concord township. They are expected to pick up the $15K, that communication will occur between the engineer and Concord township directly. 2) $35K in August for repairs on Heather Lane to at Storm Sewer.
3 -Arbour Square - The Summit
The Developer asked for an escrow release. The project is almost completed and the escrow funding was released as requested. The final escrow will be held until the developer signs the contract accepting fiscal responsibility for the two fire hydrants that were installed at the location.
The borough pays for all the fire hydrants to the water companies and then bills the various subdivisions for the charges. The borough has both Aqua and CWA fire hydrants.
4 - Snow Contract
Snow Contract was awarded to Mor Construction. #snowremoval