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Powell Property
Rezoning & Development

April 3rd, 2023 update see below.


The request to develop the Powell Property was made in December of 2019 via a letter from Mr. Joseph Damico representing the Powell Family.


On January 25th with a 5-2 vote, the Planning Commission recommended the development.


In April of 2022, a letter requesting a zoning hearing was submitted to the borough.  A formal Application was submitted on May 12th, 2022. The MPC (Municipalities Planning Code Sec 609) governs the process. 

After mounting pressure from residents, the council re-engaged with the Powell family in pursuit of negotiating a purchase. 


The zoning application has not yet been rescinded given that the agreement of sale is not yet finalized.  The sale of 40.2 acres on the west side of Valleybrook Rd. does not preclude the owners from developing the east side of Valleybrook Rd. which by right could hold 8 single-family homes. 

The decision to change zoning rests with the borough council.

Below you can find the links to the letters & exhibits related to this proposed rezoning and development.


On April 3rd, 2023 Chester Heights Borough Council Voted to approve resolution 4-23A to enter into an agreement of sale for 40.2 of the acres of the Powell Property located on the west side of Valleybrook Rd.   The agreement is contingent upon funding.   The funding plan includes $500K granted by the Delaware County Greenways Grant, grant funding from the DCNR Community Conservation Partnership Program Grant (application due April 6th), private donor contributions, and borough reserves.  


How it strarted... How it's going...

In January of 2018 the Powell Property was “Not for Sale!” By December 2019 a full development plan was ready to go.

Powell Property Sketch  Plan Chester Heights PA

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