Gregory Kane
Local writer, Gregory Kane, is a native son of Delaware County and a graduate of Chichester High School. After high school he moved to California to attend college, not knowing exactly what he wanted to do. With the guidance of some great educators, he went on to earn a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from California State University, Sacramento and became a well-known newspaper and magazine writer in northern California. Greg returned to the east coast, along with his wife, Tara, to pursue a career in education in 2010. Since that time, he has earned a teaching degree in Language Arts, Science, and Special Education, as well as a Master’s Degree in Special Education from Chestnut Hill College. He currently teaches at Upper Merion Area High School in King of Prussia. Greg has written novels and published short stories in several east and west coast publications throughout the years. Along with writing novels and spending time with his family, Greg also writes and performs music with his band, Unlucky Mammals. As a resident of Chester Heights for the past 8 years, Greg and his family greatly appreciate the community that has embraced them and provided a wonderful place to call home.
Greg’s novel, Mississippi in Manhattan, is a work of historical fiction about the 1920’s NY Yankees and a conspiracy that could very well leave you pondering your belief in Babe Ruth as one of the greatest baseball players in history. Along with Huck “The Mighty Mississippi” Halloran, try to solve a mystery that could have you questioning everything you know about baseball and the Yankees’ winningest season.
This novel is available for purchase on Amazon.