If you missed tonight's meeting, you may have missed a little bit of bickering about the meeting minutes, but by far the most curious nugget of news came from the Fire Marshal, Mike Ciocco. Who, during his request for a tree ordinance, advised council and those present that a Penn State Fraternity has shown interest in buying our beloved local Hammanasset Bed and Breakfast. Whether it is true or not cannot be determined by the quick off-the-cuff mention, however, it is intriguing.
Now that we dispensed with the fun - here are the notes from tonight's meeting:
Council appointed Robert (Bob) Adams to fill the council vacancy.
Truck traffic on Lenni/Llewellyn Roads –
Councilman Dave Firkser and resident Theresa Albany Huke raised concerns about the increased tractor-trailer and construction truck traffic on Lenni Rd. which has increased significantly in the last 2 years. The issue was discussed at length and Borough engineer Matt Houtmann will address the issue with PennDot. Specifically, there will be a discussion regarding a potential update to the traffic signal at the Wawa station construction site to allow a better flow of traffic. The Roadmaster is to check in with Higgins to see where they stand on installing the road speed signs that council approved. Council will also be reaching out to Aston Highways and Middletown Township to see if there is anything they can do collectively.
Ivy Land Road Program Bids
2 bids we received. One at $49,855 and the other at $56,225. The cost is higher than the originally expected $38K – $39K due to the change in scope. The total cost will be offset by approximately $2500 which will be paid by Concord Township for their portion of the road.
Input from Council as to ideas for Community Events
The Mayor asked for ideas for community events to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the borough. The council discussed doing another movie night and an outdoor food event. More discussion is planned for the Committee meeting to take place on July 13th. The location for the July 13th meeting has not yet been set.
Feed America Update
Councilwoman Lim has been in communication with the County and has submitted our application for 80 children to receive meals from the Feed America initiative.
Mark out Community Park Property
The Community park boundaries will be marked by the borough engineer and the council will review the costs for marking out the property with a split rail fence. Along with the property marking the borough will be seeking Mr. Conrad to install the walking train which he is obligated to provide under a development agreement to the borough within 9 months of breaking ground on his development which backs onto the park.
New Business
Meeting Minutes
Revised meeting minutes from September 2017
“Mr. Cocozza provided council with documentation and information with the residency qualifications concerning council member Marta Driscoll.” Motion Lim/Ellis
Revised May 4th, 2020 Minutes to read “Resident Anne Searl provided documentation and information regarding the residency qualification of Councilman Steven Cocozza.”
There was further discussion about whether Anne Searl presented documentation. – She emailed it to Mr. Baum which Ms. Driscoll pointed out during a lively discussion about minutes and stated that those documents should be made part of the permanent record.
The borough will post the October 2019 resolution which details what will and what will not be included in the minutes, but we requested the document on June 8th so we can provide the link today.
Increased staffing
Increased hours for Assistant to a full time 40 hours per week and increase pay from $15 to $17 per hour. The funding was not approved in the original budget. The borough is using the budget surplus to cover the expense. The motion is to be ratified in Regular council meeting. The borough will now have 2 full-time employees plus a part-time Right to Know officer on an as-needed basis.
Public Comment
Marta Driscoll
Rochford Estates and the VoV Trees:
In October of 2019 there was a conversation about the trees on Village of Valleybrook property endangering the electric in Rochford Estates. Council replied that the VOV board hired an engineering firm to stake out the property. An arborist reviewed the trees, removed some trees, and noted that many are healthy. The borough focused on the fact that they had started the conversation between PennDot, Rochford Estates, and VoV president had conversation that they had met and addressed it among themselves.
Location of Future Meetings:
On June 26th Pennsylvania will be moving out of the yellow phase and into the green phase. Given the CDC guidelines and the size of the borough office what is council's plan for future council meetings to secure the health and safety of council members, staff and residents who wish to participate? Council responded that they are looking to use the Village of Valleybrook Club house and are working to determine how many folks can be in there ate one time while still maintaining safe social distance. There affirmed that VOV has not charged the borough for the use in previous years.
Facebook Censorship
stated that she continues to be censored from the borough Facebook and is not able to like or comment on any Borough Post. She asked for a response in writing.
Councilwoman Ellis stated that no one is banned from the page.
Vote Here Signs
The council could not provide the location of the vote here signs which were used during the 2019 election and could not confirm that they would be available for the 2020 Presidential election.
Mike Ciocco - Fire Marshall
Concerned that the branches in the borough at Feather Hill Drive and Indian Spring Lane (Both private roads) impede fire trucks from passing. The HOA is willing to help, but not the owners of Hammanasset. Mr. Ciocco asked council to think about passing an ordinance that would require a trees to be kept clear for firetrucks. The Engineer noted that all those roads are the responsibility of the HOA, which would make the Bed and Breakfast not liable. Council will review the documents to determine who has responsibility.
He also mentioned that a Penn State Fraternity was interested in buying the property.
Kathy Koons-
Has anyone noticed increased air traffic in the borough?
Larry Ward replied - A lot of it has to do with which runways are open and which way the traffic is flowing. A lot of the time they go up the river and down the river, but if any are closed then there is a runway that aligns directly with Chester Heights.
These are our notes. Borough will place audio and official minutes on their website.
Be Well,