Here are some quick notes from tonight’s regular council meeting.
Borough of Chester Heights
Regular Council Meeting
December 2, 2019
The borough held a public hearing on the 2020 Budgets. Based on the totals presented the finance committee made significant adjustments since they posted proposed budgets online. Most of the updates are noted in our quick notes from 11/25/2019.
2020 Tax Levy via resolution 12-19-A:
The borough did not raise or lower taxes for 2020 keeping the general millage rate at .45 and the tax levy millage rate at .40.
We anticipate a robust discussion of tax rates in 2020 as the county tax assessments are disclosed. The borough will need to lower the rates to prevent and an illegal windfall of tax revenues.
Council approved an engagement contract for the 2019 DCED Audit. These audits are done on an annual basis and reported to the Commonwealth. To access the report go to dced.pa.gov and look for Municipal Annual Financial Report. As of the date of this post, 2017 is the most current year that can be accessed online.
Council reached out to Middletown and they will now be informed by Middletown Township Building inspector if blasting is to occur in the area. They will aim to share that information as it becomes available via social media.
Governor Wolf Congratulated the Borough on securing the DCNR grant for unimproved open space in the amount of $195K.
Madison Apartments will be reviewing quotes to install a fence to prevent folks from driving through the parking lot located at Valleybrook road and Rt 1.
The owners of Ashley’s Invited members of the council to tour their updated restaurant.
Former Councilwoman Anne Searl has been appointed to the Delaware County Heritage Commission. Anne’s Family has lived in Chester Heights for over 100 years. She will represent the historical interests of Chester Heights as she works with the Heritage Commission to oversee the rich heritage of Delaware County and to support those organizations within the County that are promoting and preserving our cultural legacy.
Red-Bellied Cooter - the borough was notified that the soon to be acquired open space was identified as being a habitat for the red-bellied cooter turtle. If at any time borough plans to install any improvements on the property a conflict of build assessment will need to be conducted. Since the property is being acquired as an unimproved open space, that is not a concern at this time.
Inspector’s Reports
Building Inspector -
Arbour Square/Summit has received a conditional use and occupancy permit.
The new home on 156 Logtown Road also received a use and occupancy permit.
The building inspector would like the council to review the sign ordinance for clarification. The Solicitor stated that he will work with Mr. Jensen to review and craft any necessary revisions.
Fire Marshal - No Report
Sewage Enforcement - No report
EMC/Road Master - Usual matters. Back-up contact will be the Council President.
Zoning - No report
Solicitor’s Report - Rose Hill Development
Resolution #12-19-B Consideration of Final Approval/Rose Hill Land Dev - The resolution was to accept the preliminary approval subject to 26 points that needed to be met.
The resolution left open the borough's decision to accept the dedication of the 1.6 acres of land at the corner of Lenni and Llewelyn. If no decision is made by January 17th, 2020 the offer to dedicate the land will be rescinded.
Dr. Block raised the issue of a traffic study- it was noted that a traffic study was part of the original proposal before the council in 2015 when the land variance was passed showing negligible traffic impact.
Lots of lively discussions -
Councilmember Susan Clarke asked that when the developer's agreement is completed that it specifically identify which homes along LLEWELYN RD. will be able to tie into the sewer.
Council President & Solicitor - regardless of the developer agreement andy sewer installation would be an agreement between the homeowners and Southwest Delaware County Municipal Sewer Authority (Southwest)
Solicitor - we could request that a map of the homes that could tie in to be included as part of the approval.
Mrs. Clarke insisted that regardless of the format it takes CHB needs to make sure that the new line will have the capacity and the ability to take in the tie in from any homes that are across the street from the new build and nay homes/business along the road once should the line be extended.
Motion to approve by Ellis/Cocozza -
1 Nay - Clarke
1 Abstain - Block
4 Yay ( Ellis, Cocozza, Baum, Golberg)
Engineer’s Report
Ratified Arbour Square Escrow Release #3 - see 11/29/2019 for details
Ratified Award Mor Construction for Winter Services Contract for 2019-2020
Mayor’s Report
Lunch with Santa is December 7th at 12:30-2:30PM
Coat and boot Drive for Pathways is being held until Dec 18th
Committee Reports
School District/Education/Training/Library - School Board Reorganization meeting is being held on 12/2/2019.
Finance/Insurance: Thank You to Sue Timmins and Ed Knittel of PA borough for his help with the 2020 Budget.
Finance Sub Committee-Fire Co. Finances: No report
Nominating/Vacancy: No Report HOWEVER - Councilwoman Theresa Agostinelli resigned. Councilman Baum stated that he has not accepted her resignation and as such it has not been discussed in council.
Communications/Public Relations: No Report
Highways/Transportation: Planning/Zoning: New radar speed sign has been included in the budget for Llewelyn Rd.
Historical: No Report
Public Safety/Environment: The Subcommittee for the Police study will be announced at the reorganization meeting in January.
Public Utilities/Trash/Recycle: No Report
Borough Property/Parks/Open Space: No Report
Engineering/Construction/Inspections: No Report
Ordinance/Code Review: No Report
Old Business
Thank you plaques were given to Mr. Jordan Goldberg and Dr. Philip Block for their service as councilmembers.
Thanks to Jordan Golberg on his tremendous effort of coordinating agreement for the care of Walnut Hill Blvd.
Thanks to Philip block for his efforts with the fire company financing.
Next Regular Council Meeting – January 6, 2020 - to be held at the Village of Valleybrook clubhouse.
Next Work Session – December 23, 2019
Audio link: When available
Official Minutes Link: When available