Check out these new law changes making voting more accessible to PA residents!
3 will make voting more accessible
" No Excuse Needed" Mail-in Voting
Extension of the Absentee Ballot/Mail-in ballot deadline. Now due on election day. Delivered in-person to the Election Bureau.
More time to register to vote. Up to 15 days before the election. ( April 13th for the primary and October 20th for the general election)
2 make things different, but not necessarily easier or harder
No Stickers allowed for the write-in ballot. The name must be written in or stamped in.
No straight-party voting. you can still vote for everyone in your party, but you now have to do it one person, one office at a time.
Resources to learn more:
For more information, you can go to the state website
Click here to view a detailed explanation on ACT 77 Election Law Changes
Learn about new voting machines Part 1 - The Fill out ballot and scan version
& voting machines Part 2- Touch screen Ballot writer version (aka much longer, just use a pen it will be quicker version)